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Dept Michigan
March To The Sea Camp No. 135
Centreville, Michigan


SUVCW ArmsCorrespondence:


Richard W. Denney
30090 Oria Engle Rd.
Colon, MI 49040
[email protected]






Commander: Charles L Worley, PDC
Senior Vice Commander: Richard W. Denney
Junior Vice Commander: John Bennett
Secretary: Bruce S.A. Gosling
Treasurer: Bruce S.A. Gosling

March to the Sea Camp #135 was chartered January 27, 2007. Our Camp has been involved in restoration of three G.A.R. Monuments in St. Joseph County. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month, March through November, at The Colon Township Library,128 S. Blackstone Ave., Colon, MI, unless we plan to shoot in June or cast bullets in August. Our meetings begin at 7:00pm.

In addition to actively promoting the objectives of the Order locally, we have supported the Department with a Past Department Commander and the current Department Treasurer in our membership.

NEW! - "Having obtained 501(c) (3) Tax Exempt Status. “Donations to the Department of Michigan - Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, its Camps, or Sons of Veterans Reserve Units operating within the Department of Michigan, Are Tax Deductible.”

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  Page Last Updated on April 27 2024.
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