Having 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Status. “Donations to the Department of Michigan - Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, its Camps, or Sons of Veterans Reserve Units operating within the Department of Michigan, Are Tax Deductible.” The Carpenter/Welch Camp 180 was named by the Charter Members to show that it represents all of Washtenaw County. The name was taken from two local GAR posts, specifically, Carpenter Post 180 in Ypsilanti and Welch Post 137 in Ann Arbor. The Carpenter Post of Ypsilanti was originally named for two brothers from Ypsilanti who never survived the war; their surname was Carpenter. The Welch Post of Ann Arbor was named in memory of Col. Norval E. Welch, 16th Michigan Infantry. The Camp meets six (6) times per year on the fourth Monday of odd numbered months at the American Legion Post 557, 8225 Dexter Chelsea Road, Dexter, MI 48130. On the Monday closest to Memorial Day the Brothers of the Camp meet at the old GAR Carpenter Post 180 building in Ypsilanti located at 110 Peral Street, Ypsilanti. The Brothers of the Camp continue to survey the area cemeteries looking for Civl War veterans to ensure that their headstones are in good condition, and participate with area organizations in rededication ceremonies. The Camp sponsors an ROTC Cadet from Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti annually. The Brothers of the Camp also participate in the Ypsilanti Memorial Day Procession and ceremonies at Highland Cemetery where many Civil War veterans are interred. The Fourth of July parade is another event that the Camp's Brothers are active in. Currently, the Camp's roster includes seven (7) Past Camp Commanders, with the Camp's Secretary being awarded Past Camp Commander honors by the Department Encampment in recognition of his many years of dedicated service. The Camp is honored to have a Past National Chaplain among its ranks.
Past Commander William B. McAfee receives
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