GAR Records
John A. Logan Post #1
Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan

Organized March 8, 1887

This Post was located at the Michigan Soldiers Home and was named to honor Major General John A. Logan. Senator Logan was a leader in the effort in Congress to provide pensions and other forms of support for veterans and their families. He had been scheduled to speak at the dedication of this facility on January 1, 1887 but died on December 26, 1886. He served three consecutive terms as Commander-in-Chief of the G.A. R. and had formalized the observation of Memorial Day in 1868.

There was some difficulty in processing the Post at Muster. Eleven of the eighteen Charter Members were still members of other Posts and had not presented Transfer Cards, thus clearing their membership in the new Post. This was not noted until June, and the effort to correct this lead to reorganization and the issue of a new Charter. The Post was mustered on December 9, 1887, now with 46 Members.

The first Commander was Joseph O. Bellair who enlisted in Company F, 1st Michigan SS as 1st Lieutenant. He was discharged July 28, 1865 as Captain of Company F. He was the Commander in the initial organization of the Post and worked out the original difficulties, continuing as Commander.

The Last Commander was James F. Ives who served in Company K, 11th Michigan Infantry.

The Post was disbanded in 1942.

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Last updated on June 18, 2007 8:43 PM - webmaster