GAR Records
Michigan GAR Membership Rosters

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Note: This is a work in progress and not all GAR Posts have been entered into the database and not all features have been implemented.

Viewing 626-650 of 765« Prev  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  Next » 
NameBirthPost # UnitResidenceView
Snow, B. W.Ohio48D 4 OH Vol.Jacksonview record
Snow, EllisMich.48I 9 MI Inf.Sandstoneview record
Snyder, Eugene C.New York48A 11 MI Cav.Jacksonview record
Solomon, John W.NY48G 13 MI Inf.Jacksonview record
Soule, Harrison48view record
Sova, A. N.48view record
Sparks, George T.Nova Scotia482 ME L. A.Jacksonview record
Sparks, L. E.48Jacksonview record
Spencer, Burton H.New York481 MI Inf.Jacksonview record
Spencer, J. S.Mich.48K 20 MI Inf.Summitview record
Spencer, Mark H.Mich.48E 3 MI Cav.Jacksonview record
Standish, F.NY48K 26 MI Inf.Jacksonview record
Stearns, Geo. C.Mich.48E 3 MI Cav.Jacksonview record
Stenson ?, JosephEngland48K 6 US Cav.Jacksonview record
Stevens, JosephMich.48B 1 NY Cav.Jacksonview record
Stevenson, Geo. W.Connecticut48I 2 MI Inf.Jacksonview record
Stevenson, R.48view record
Stewart, I. M.NY48KJacksonview record
Stewart, John T.New York48E 144 OH N. G.Jacksonview record
Stewart, John T.48K 185 OH Inf.view record
Stiles, W. P.NY48B 1 MI Inf.Jacksonview record
Stilson, E. B.48view record
Stockham, Jerome B.New York48K 24 MI Inf.Jacksonview record
Stone, E. E.Ohio48H 26 MiJacksonview record
Stone, G. C.48view record
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Last updated on October 6, 2008 7:47 PM - webmaster