GAR Records
Michigan GAR Membership Rosters

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Note: This is a work in progress and not all GAR Posts have been entered into the database and not all features have been implemented.

Viewing 701-725 of 765« Prev  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  Next » 
NameBirthPost # UnitResidenceView
Vinson, H. T.48view record
Waite, J. P.Darien, NY48C 22 WI Inf.Jacksonview record
Walcott, Chas. F.Ohio48D 6 OH Cav.Jacksonview record
Waldron, IchabodNy48F 104 NY Inf.Jacksonview record
Walz, JohnGermany48A 9 MI Cav.Jacksonview record
Waters, W. R.NY48A 3 MI Cav.Jacksonview record
Webb, J. C.48view record
Webster, Jas. H.Canada48H 1 MI L. A.Jacksonview record
Webster, Lewis M.48view record
Weeks, J. E.Maine4811 MI Cav.Jacksonview record
Weldon, Benj. F.York State48C 26 MIJacksonview record
Welds, Martin H.Ohio48F 1 MI S. ShootersJacksonview record
Weller, AlbertNew York48B 151 NY Inf.Jacksonview record
Welling, A. D.48view record
Welling, L. P.48view record
Welling, L. P.48view record
Weston, H. A.Ct.48A 11 MI Inf.Jacksonview record
Wetherbe, OzroMich.48K 17 MI Inf.Jacksonview record
Weyforth, ChristSaxony486 MI Inf.Jacksonview record
Whaling, J.NY48A 8 NY H. A.Jacksonview record
Wheeler, F. M.NY48F 7 MI Inf.Jacksonview record
White, Amos W.48Jacksonview record
White, FrankNew York48H 6 PA Res.Jacksonview record
White, Geo. S.48view record
White, J. R.48view record
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Last updated on October 6, 2008 7:47 PM - webmaster