GAR Records
Michigan GAR Membership Rosters

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Note: This is a work in progress and not all GAR Posts have been entered into the database and not all features have been implemented.

Viewing 726-750 of 765« Prev  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  Next » 
NameBirthPost # UnitResidenceView
White, Thos. J.Michigan48K 26 MI Inf.Jacksonview record
Whiting, Joseph B.New York48A 100 NY Inf.Brooklynview record
Whitlam, JohnOhio48B 41 OH Inf.Jacksonview record
Whitney, C. C.Mich.48A 15 MI Inf.Jacksonview record
Whitney, John A.NY48H 85 NYJacksonview record
Whitney, ThomasRives Tsp.48K 10 MI Cav.Rives Tsp.view record
Wickwire, Chas. F.Michigan48H 24 MI Inf.Jacksonview record
Wickwire, Harry S.Mich.48F 6 MI H. A.Jacksonview record
Wickwire, James H.New York48D 1 MI Inf.Jacksonview record
Wilcox, Benj.New York48F 1 MI L. A.Sandstoneview record
Wildey, Albert S.Mich.48G 10 MI Inf.Spring Arborview record
Wilkinson, ElyOhio48D 99 OH Inf.Jacksonview record
Willard, Wm. W.48Gregoryview record
Williams, A. H.NY48A 9 MI Cav.Jacksonview record
Williams, Alonzo D.NY48USS JolietJacksonview record
Williams, John W.Mich.48C 2 US Inf.Jacksonview record
Williams, T. J.48view record
Williams, T. H.48view record
Willson, Daniel J.48view record
Wilsey, Jerimiah48view record
Wilson, A. J.Ny48D 126 NY Inf.Jacksonview record
Wilson, A. J.48view record
Wilson, Chas. W.NY48B 64 NY Vol.Jacksonview record
Wilson, D. J.48view record
Wilson, Jas. A.NY48C 39 ILJacksonview record
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Last updated on October 6, 2008 7:47 PM - webmaster