GAR Records
Michigan GAR Membership Rosters

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Note: This is a work in progress and not all GAR Posts have been entered into the database and not all features have been implemented.

Viewing 826-850 of 905« Prev  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  Next » 
NameBirthPost # UnitResidenceView
Titus, HiramN. H.42C 16 WILansingview record
Townes, H. P.Byron, Mass.42D 14 MI Inf.Meridianview record
Trail, DavidOhio42F 6 MI Cav.Portlandview record
Train, Jas. K.Indiana42D 6 MI Inf.Edmoreview record
Treadway, Wm. P.Ohio42F 9 MI I.Lansingview record
Trent, HarrisonVirginia42Stmr AlabamaLansingview record
Trowbridge, AustinNY4223 MI Inf.Morrisview record
Tufts, Geo. W.Ohio42E 15 OH Inf.Lansingview record
Tufts, Geo. W.Ohio42E 150 OH V. I.Lansingview record
Turrell, CharlesMich.42E 8 MI Inf.Webbervilleview record
Updike, CharlesN. York42C 44 NYLansingview record
Vaile, SilasOhio42I 129 OH Inf.Lansingview record
Valentine, J. S.Lima, Ohio42B 12 MI Inf.view record
Valentine, Julius S.Ohio42B 12 MI Inf.Lansingview record
VanAuken, Geo. W.NY42G 12 MI I.Lansingview record
Vandyne, O. W.Mich.42G 5 MI Inf.Lansingview record
Vinegar, JohnKentucky42E 3 US C. V.Lansingview record
Vining, AlbertCastilia, Ohio42E 128 OH V. I.Lansingview record
Vinning, AlbertCastailia, O.42E 128 OH Vols.Lansingview record
Voorhees, AbramMich.42H 20 Mi Inf.Deltaview record
Wadsworth, Isaac42I 168 PA Infview record
Waffle, George42E 100 NY Inf.Lansingview record
Wager, AndrewNew York42H 107 NY Inf.De Wittview record
Wager, H. H.42H 107 NY Inf.view record
Wait, DanielN. York42E 14 MI Inf.Lansingview record
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Last updated on October 6, 2008 7:47 PM - webmaster