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Dept Michigan

Michigan's Messenger is a quarterly publication of and for the membership of the Department of Michigan, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.

This publication is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or part, in any manner without the expressed written consent of the Department of Michigan, SUVCW.

Article Submission Guidelines

Deadlines for submisson to Michigan's Messenger:

  • March 1st for March 15th publication
  • June 1st for June 15th publication
  • September 1st for September 15th publication
  • December 1st for December 15th publication

The term deadline arose during the Civil War. It described a small fence within a prison stockade that was not to be crossed by the prisoners. If a prisoner did cross the line, he was shot.

The term deadline, as defined by the Editor of Michigan's Messenger is as follows:

"Any article submissions received by the Editor after the deadline date will be shot down. The article will die and the remains will not be sent back to the author."

The Editor is a mean guardian of the deadline, so make sure your article reaches him in time and does not cross the deadline, if you wish to see your article arrive back at your home in Michigan's Messenger, safe and sound.

Articles may be sent by e-mail to: [email protected]

Please include a short lead in message stating the article is for "The Messenger" and the title, (i.e., Camp News, officer report, etc.). You may also send it as an attached file.

The J. Richard Greene Award

Recognizing the Most Outstanding Camp Newsletter

The J. Richard Greene Award has been established by the Department of Michigan (2018 Department Encampment) to recognize the "most outstanding" Camp newsletter produced within the Department as determined by the J. Richard Greene Award Committee appointed under Department Orders No. 6 (12 JUN 2018). This award has been established to perpetuate the memory of our late Brother, Past Department Commander, J. Richard "Rick" Greene. Further information, including criteria and submissions information, can be found on the link below. Submissions must be forwarded to the committee no later than 30 days prior ot the Annual Department of Michigan Encampment.

PDF for award Criteria and Submissions information.


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  Page Last Updated on March 05 2025.
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