Michigan Battlefield Monuments

Thank God for Michigan. This page has links to the various Michigan Battlefield Monuments, by state.
Using the Menu, you can view Battlefield Monuments, by Battlefield. Pictures will be of the Monuments when they were installed,
or as early as could be found, as well as present day pictures.
If you visit any one of our Civil War battlefields, please take a minute to locate and photograph these,
and any other monument or historical marker erected to a Michigan Unit or Michigan Men. Send me a copy
of the photograph and a digital attachment to an email, so we can update these pages.
Jim Pahl
Past Michigan Department Commander
Past Commander in Chief
445 West Maple Street
Mason, MI 48854
NEW! - "Having recieved 501(c) (3) Tax Exempt Status. “Donations to the Department of Michigan -
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, its Camps, or Sons of Veterans Reserve Units operating within the Department of Michigan, Are Now Tax Deductible.”